Going Deeper

Covenants: Our Promise Keeping God | The Abrahamic Covenant

Pastor Chris Meade | Genesis 12 and 15 | April 21, 2024

1. Where did the Holy Spirit speak or challenge you through God’s Word? Were there any “ah-ah” moments?

2. On Sunday, Pastor Chris shared, “TRUST COSTS”. Think of the faith that Noah (Gen 6-9) and Abram (Gen 12) for them to do what they did. No doubt they stood out from those around them. How is this similar to the faith Jesus has called us to? Read—Luke 14:25-35 as Jesus discusses the cost of discipleship. How does this challenge our view of following Jesus? How have you faced the cost of following Jesus? Read Matthew 19:29-30. Jesus makes a promise to those who face loss for His sake. How does this promise encourage you as you face loss for Jesus’ sake?

3. Read Genesis 15:6; Hebrews 11:8; Romans 4:1-17; Galatians 3:1-14; Ephesian 2:8-9
Genesis 15:6 is the first time in Scripture it is clearly laid out that righteousness is accredited through faith. But Genesis 15:6 was not the first time Abram trusted God (Hebrews 11:8). So Genesis 15:6 stands as a summary statement. What do these passages teach our righteousness? Where does it come from?

4. Read Romans 4:18-25. Pastor Chris talked on Sunday of not just believing in the PROMISE, but the PROMISE KEEPER—that God is powerful and able to fulfill His promises—and that God is good and loves so that He will keep His promises.
What do you find are the greatest challenges to believing/trusting in the promises of God? (Ex. Don’t know what God promises… Don’t believe God is truly able… Don’t believe God is good… Don’t believe God cares… I believe He can, but He won’t… I add in my own promises that aren’t in Scripture… I simply forget God’s promises…). This might take some time and prayer to truly answer.
Keeping God’s promises in the forefront of our lives, knowing that He will keep them shapes how we act and live. It caused Abram to stand out and to leave everything. It caused Abram to trust when things seemed impossible (even imperfectly). How have the promises of God truly shaped how you live? How has it shaped your perspective on life? Family? Success? The world?

Covenants: Our Promise Keeping God

Pastor Chris Meade | Genesis 6 and 9 | April 14, 2024

1. Where did the Holy Spirit speak or challenge you through God’s Word? Were there any “ah-ah” moments?

2. On Sunday, Pastor Chris shared the difference between how the story of Noah and the Ark were communicated to us to us as kids, and what the reality is with the story presented to us in Scripture. What do you think about these differences? How do you think this affects how we view the flood story?

3. Read Genesis 6. Moses (the author) shares with us how the downward, destructive spiral of sin and the corruption of mankind has led to absolute chaos and violence on the Earth. This causes God to reset the Earth and humanity to a new Genesis 1 event—resetting creation and restraining sin. As you read this, what is your reaction? What are your questions? What do you struggle with?

4. Read Hebrews 11:7. Imagine being Noah—building a large boat in the middle of the land. It took him 100 years to build in the midst of people surrounding him.
o What kind of faith and character would Noah need to accomplish such a task?
o How great would Noah and his family stand out from the world? What they were doing would make no sense to anyone.
o What does this teach you about how WE should stand out from the world?

5. Read 2 Peter 3:1-18. Verse 5 refers to Genesis 1 and creation. Verse 6 refers to Genesis 6-9 and the flood. Verses 7-11 refer to the coming, FUTURE judgment, this time by fire, before the creation of the new Heavens and Earth.
o First, see how Peter refers to creation and to the flood as historical events. Peter does not think these Biblical events are mythical or as allegory—but rather actual, true events.
o Peter connects the judgment in the flood…to the future judgment by fire that is coming in the future. How does the picture of the flood bring clarity to the judgment by fire?
o How does this reality of coming judgment for all who do not believe in Jesus:
…motivate how we live?
…change our life’s purpose and focus?
…motivate sharing the Gospel and making disciples that make disciples, reaching the “67,000” in Highlands Ranch, and billions around the world that don’t know Jesus?