Going Deeper

Revelation: Future Promises | Week 8

Pastor Chris Meade | Revelation 7:1-17 | October 20, 2024

Message Recap: Pastor Chris discusses a vision where four angels hold back the winds of judgment, waiting for God’s servants to be sealed before harm comes to the earth. He explains the significance of the 144,000 sealed from the tribes of Israel, emphasizing various interpretations regarding their identity, with a focus on God's covenant promises to Israel. Pastor highlights a second group in heaven, representing a multitude from all nations, who have triumphed through tribulation and are joyfully worshipping God. Ultimately, he emphasizes that our greatest fulfillment isn't found in earthly experiences, but in being with Jesus, and assures that God's promises will be realized in His timing.

1. Where did the Holy Spirit speak or challenge you through God’s Word? Were there any “ah-ah” moments?

2. Read Revelation 7:1-3. Pastor Chris discussed the seal on the foreheads of God's servants as a form of identity and protection from the judgment that follows.

o Is your identity in Jesus as evident to others as a seal on the forehead? Why or why not? What could this look like? What do you think the implication would be to follow?

3. Read Revelation 7:4-8; Deuteronomy 30:1-10; Ezekiel 36:24-26; Romans 11. In his message, Pastor Chris mentions that the 144,000 sealed are from all tribes of Israel.

o Why do you think it's important to recognize God's ongoing relationship and promises to Israel?

o How does recognizing God's faithfulness to His promises encourage you in your personal faith journey?

4. Read Revelation 7:9-17. Pastor Chris explained the difference between the 144,000 sealed from Israel and the multitude from all nations, noting that not everyone has the same experiences or roles.

o What are some examples from the sermon where spiritual blessings or responsibilities are viewed differently for the 144,000 and the great multitude in heaven?

o Why do you think God assigns different roles or blessings to individuals today, and how can you find peace in that?

o Is Jesus your prize? How is that shown/not shown in your life? How can you shift your focus from worldly experiences to growing your relationship with Jesus in your daily life?

Revelation: Future Promises | Week 7

Pastor Chris Meade | Revelation 6:1-17 | October 13, 2024

Message Recap: Pastor Chris discusses the often-intimidating nature of the book of Revelation, which many shy away from due to its dark themes and complex symbolism. He emphasizes that the central message of Revelation is one of hope and victory meant to encourage faithfulness among believers—and the outline is found in Rev 1:9. This helps us keep the main things, the main things. As he breaks down the first six seals, he describes a series of catastrophic events symbolized by the Four Horsemen, which signify great tribulation and chaos on Earth. Throughout these discussions, he reassures that through Jesus, believers are promised salvation and a life free from God's wrath.

1. Where did the Holy Spirit speak or challenge you through God’s Word? Were there any “ah-ah” moments?

2. Why do you think so many people find the book of Revelation intimidating or confusing?
o Pastor Chris mentions three things to keep our focus: a) the message of HOPE and VICTORY to the Church; b) the outline found in Rev 1:9; c) Revelation 6 and its parallel with Jesus’ Olivet Discourse found in Matt 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21.
o How do we use these to “keep the main thing, the main thing”?

3. Read Revelation 6:1-8. As Jesus opens the first four seals, chaos ensues on the earth. Pastor Chris suggests that these riders are symbols of worldwide sinful movements rather than literal people.
o How can God’s judgments in Romans 1 and “God handing them over…” affect how we see these judgements on the earth?
o How do we see God through the Holy Spirit and the Church body throughout the world restraining sin? What does that say about our current responsibility in this life, in our world?

4. Read Revelation 6:9-11: Pastor Chris mentioned the difference between the martyrs’ plea for judgment and Jesus’ plea for forgiveness during His crucifixion, or Stephen’s in Acts 7:60.
o Why do you think the martyrs in Revelation 6 cry out for judgment instead of forgiveness, and what does that reveal about God's justice?
o In your own life, how can you balance seeking justice for wrongs done to you while also reflecting forgiveness and love?

5. Read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11. How does what Paul says and the events in Revelation 6 motivate us as a church to share the gospel and engage the lost?
oWhy is it important for the church to be on mission, creating opportunities for community engagement, like Fall-O-Ween, or Date Night, for us to invite others?